Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vegan in a nutshell

Hello Lovelies!

This is just a short post for you newbies to veganism:

What does vegan even mean?
noun: vegan; plural noun: vegans
  1. 1.
    a person who does not eat or use animal products.
    "I'm a strict vegan"

Being vegan means you do not consume or purchase any products that come from animals. It's big step further than vegetarian. No meat, dairy, eggs, or products that are tested on animals.

It also means eating a whole, plant based diet with colorful plates and tasty flavors. Your plates should look like rainbows! :)

Interested in going vegan? Here's a link to great site to help you get started:

My suggestion is that you just try swapping out one meal a day for a vegan one and slowly transition to adding another meal each week or each month. Go at your own pace; don't guilt yourself into it- 'cause then it's not fun!

I've also listed out a starter grocery list for the vegan newbies out there that you can utilize here: Becoming Vegan: Your Starter Grocery List

This article on reading food labels is particularly helpful when at the store purchasing food products:

To avoid products that are tested on animals, look for these labels on your health/beauty products:

For myself, being vegan means I'm living a life that does not cause any harm to the animals on this planet. I can live a life surrounded by love and hope, cruelty-free. It's opened my eyes up to some sad ways of the world, given me a new view of nutrition, and my taste buds have come to love quite a few new foods. 

For more updates and information on veganism, follow our blog, tumblr twitter, instagram, pinterest, like us on Facebook- however you prefer, we're available everywhere. :)

Happy Vegan Days Lovelies!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Becoming Vegan: Your starter grocery list

Hello Lovelies!

Hubby and I were recently talking about the road to veganism and how intimidating it can be at first. With that in mind, I decided to write this post. I hope you enjoy!

For those that are interested in becoming vegan, the grocery store can suddenly become a scary place if you aren't prepared. It can also become very expensive if you go straight for all of the vegan substitutes out there. If you keep your lists and your diet simple, you don't have to burn a whole in your pocket to become vegan.

Below is a list of basic items I think every vegan should always have on hand. When you're at the store, check the label for everything. Click here for a fantastic article on what to avoid when reading label.
  • Almond, soy, rice, or coconut milk (I prefer Almond milk; my hubby prefers Very Vanilla Soy Milk by Silk)
  • Vegan butter- Earth Balance or Smart Balance Light w/Flaxseed Oil (cheaper option)
  • Bananas- great to add to Oatmeal, baked items, frozen and blended as an ice cream, or just for a snack!
  • Apples- make apple sauce, use as an egg replacement when baking sweets, or snack time!
  • Oranges- I love to make homemade orange juice. Check out some juicing recipes here
  • Carrots- Enjoy in juices, salads, stir fry dinners, or just as a quick snack
  • Spinach- Wonderful green addition to smoothies!
  • Onions- Ummm, perfect for anything?! Right? :)
  • Potatoes: russett and yams- Especially around the holidays
  • Veganaise- optional*
  • Tofurkey Deli style meat- optional*
  • Daiya Cheese- optional*
  • Nut Butters- Peanut, Almond, Tahini
  • Bread
  • Brown Rice
  • Beans- Try them all! Black, Garbanzo, Pinto, the list goes on and on....
  • Lots of Fruits and Veggies- I highly suggest trying a new fruit or vegetable once a week until you are familiar with all your grocer or local farmers market has to offer
  • Quick Oats
  • Vitamin B-12- Plant based products do not produce B-12, therefore it is highly important that vegans supplement this vitamin. Please view the link!
  • Soy sauce
  • Whole grain cereals- Make sure to check the ingredients!
  • Granola- Breakfast or on the go snack
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Vegetable Broth
*These items are substitutes for items we would normally buy on the typical American diet. These types of items are what will rack up your grocery bill in a heartbeat. As a new vegan, you may enjoy these products during your transition phase, but I encourage you to lean more towards whole, unprocessed, natural foods as you journey further into veganism. 

Where to shop: Whole Foods, Central Market, Sprouts, any natural grocer, farmers market, or local grocery store (though natural/health food stores are preferred). 

How vegan do you want to be? The stores listed above also have vegan beauty and health products that are cruelty free. These items can also be a bit more expensive, but if you have the funds to do so, you're doing a great justice for the animals in the world. Keep a look out for these symbols on the bottle:

Becoming a vegan doesn't have to be crazy expensive or an over dramatized experience. It can be a fun, experimental process. If you find yourself craving a non-vegan dish, start googling. It's very easy to find vegan versions of dishes all over the web. You may find vegan versions you like quite a bit more than the standard version!. 

If you are already a vegan and have a constant item you get at the grocery store, please share and let me know what all you use it for! I'd love to hear your experience!
