Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Raising A Vegan Child: Topic #2- Supplementing Vitamin B12 is a MUST

Continuing our discussion on raising a vegan child, today's post is all about vitamin B12. While most people know that taking vitamins is good for you, many people do not know what vitamins they actually NEED and therefore resort to simple one-a-day multivitamins. These guys just don't do the trick though when it comes to B12. Even if you're eating the most balanced of vegan diets, you're still not getting the B12 that you need since plants don't make it. 

Why is this B12 so important you ask? Well, it is essential in mental and nervous system development. According to sciencenordic.com, "B12 is particularly important for infants, and a lack of B12 may ultimately slow down a baby’s physical and mental development and may cause irreversible nerve damage."

So when it comes to being a nursing mother or transitioning your baby to solids, it is of the utmost importance to supplement B12. Two questions that come to mind right now are- how do I know if I'm deficient in B12 and how do I get it in my child's system? 

The Harvard Health blog listed these symptoms for B12 deficiency in adults:
  • strange sensations, numbness, or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet
  • difficulty walking (staggering, balance problems)
  • anemia
  • a swollen, inflamed tongue
  • yellowed skin (jaundice)
  • difficulty thinking and reasoning (cognitive difficulties), or memory loss
  • paranoia or hallucinations
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • Sound familiar? It's more common than we realize in vegans and non-vegans alike!

    What's worse though is the list of symptoms for B12 deficiency in children (from www.vega-licious.com):
  • brain damage
  • developmental disorders
  • learning problems
  • memory deficits
  • declines in IQ
  • fatigue
  • mood changes
  • muscle weakness
  • paralysis
  • psychiatric disorders
  • blindness
  • neurological deterioration
  • mental and cognitive problems
    • symptoms similar to those seen in autism: aloofness, loss of speech and social skills, movement abnormalities
    So yes, supplementation is incredibly important. Now, how do you get it to your baby? I think the best method for children is in liquid form. I personally use Nature's Bounty Sublinqual Liquid Super Strength B-12. This version is a high dosage of 5000mcg, but for a nursing mother, this is just right to take once a week. As I've started to transition Audrey to formula and solids, I put a small drop of this on her tongue once a week. It tastes like berries, so she likes it. :) Easy and efficient. I get the peace of mind knowing she's got everything she needs. 

    To conclude today's post- B12 is important. It's critical to any human being and even more so to vegans. I've listed a few sites below for you to research further if you are interested. You can get blood work done to see your levels, but more than likely, if you're a vegan, you're already deficient. It's easy to supplement for yourself and for your baby, so don't delay. Go to the store and buy some today! :)

    ~Cali via LVL




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